Red Jasper semi-precious stone

Red Jasper provides the body with subtle stimuli that correct an adverse situation and ground energy. It brings insight and light to life's problems before they get too big. It offers solutions in the most difficult situations.


Red Jasper is a mineral that acts as a "bead of mourning". It can calm upset feelings and emotions.

If we have this intimate semi-precious stone, or a Yoni egg of Red Jasper under the pillow, it helps to remember the content of dreams.

It activates the basic chakra, in the form of a Yoni egg it has a very positive effect, it has a beneficial effect on the level of rebirth.

It cleans and stabilizes the human aura, strengthens the human personality. This is a very important semi-precious stone that brings strength and health. Yoni egg Red Jasper removes poisonous substances from the body from the circulatory system of the liver and kidneys.

In the liver and blood vessels, this mineral clears any blockages.


On a mental level, Red Jasper brings its owner determination to fulfill all life's intentions and goals.

It gives courage to penetrate firmly to the core of the problem, at the same time it encourages honest behavior towards oneself and one's surroundings. Yoni egg Jasper has a beneficial effect on quick thinking and organizational skills.

The semi-precious stone Red Jasper encourages the development of imagination and fulfills thoughts in actions and life reality.


On the physical level, the Red Jasper dildo extends the length and sensitivity in sexual pleasure.

This mineral brings relief and supplies the body with energy during long-term illnesses or hospitalizations.


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